Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Looking Back: The best time of my life..not

     When I was finishing up 8th grade I remember a teacher telling me that high school would be the greatest time of my life. I can tell you they were so far off that it wasn't even funny. I remember going to my freshman orientation and the principal telling us not to by elevator passes from the upperclassmen. I won't lie we all felt slightly insulted because we had a one story school up until my junior year. I was also scared about what the seniors would do to me, but it turns out I should have been more scared of what my own friends would do to me.

     I started the first day of my high school career with a boot on my foot from a surgery I had gotten over the summer. So the first two weeks of school started with me getting kicked out of my gym class and kids making fun of me. People that I thought were my friends were standing across the halls pointing and laughing at me. Calling me fat and ugly, oh and calling my penguin because apparently I waddled when I walked. I blame that on the boot. Two weeks later I got the boot off and I was happy let me tell you. People were still calling me names, but it was no longer because I was walking weird.

     Then not even a month later I was walking back to class from lunch and I slid on something that was on the floor. I did the splits in a pair of jeans...I am not that flexible guys...and I fell flat in the hallway in the middle of a bunch of people. Again there was pointing and laughing and no one helped me up. I mean I did get up right away but I had busted my knee open in the process, that was not very pretty.

     Most of my year went pretty okay after that. There was a lot of tripping and falling once it started to snow because I am a klutz and I fall even when there isn't anything to trip on. I remember falling flat on my face about 4 times that year. I didn't start to have real problems until I met this one girl, who from the start hated me even though I had done nothing to her. To this day she still hates my guts. For all intensive purposes of not giving her name away...I mean come on I am not that mean...we are going to just call her Bobby.

     Bobby hated me form the day she saw me. I was never friends with her either, but I did have a lot of friends who were friends with her for one reason or another. Bobby was the short blond girl who liked to call me a fat cow. When I look back at pictures of her I just shake my head because I promise you she was pretty chubby to, but that isn't the point. Anyway Bobby used her power with my friends to make a lot of people hate me and because I didn't like to take crap a lot of people thought I was a b****. I most certainly was not at that point. For the rest of the year Bobby made my life a living h*ll. I thought it would stop after that, but I was oh so wrong about that, because the next year I really gave her a reason to hate me. Or so she claims I did.

     That is my freshman year of high school in a quick view. Feel free to tell me what your freshman year of high school was like. Also if anyone else had a mortal enemy tell me about them in the comments, I would love to compare notes and see how alike our enemies are.


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