Friday, February 7, 2014

DIY: Pallet Coasters

     Okay Okay before you all start throwing a fit I did not come up with this idea myself. I did see it on YouTube, however I figured someone might like to see the steps written out so that they didn't have to go back an listen to the video a bunch of times if they missed some steps. So with that, lets get started.

What you will need:

1.Popsicle sticks
2.Hot glue gun
3. Paint (optional)
4.Glitter (optional)
5. Modpog (optional)
6.Silver sharpie or silver paint pen

Step 1:

Count out 12 Popsicle sticks and lay them out on the table.

Step 2:

Cut the rounded ends off of the sticks. You can measure them if you would like, but I just guessed and they came out pretty close to the same size.

Step 3:

Glue them all together. The pictures show this better than I can explain.

Step 4:

Use your silver sharpie or paint pen to make dots that look like nails in your mini pallets.

Step 5:

Now you get to decorate them how you would like. I used a mixture of gold glitter and modpog on the one that is shown in this tutorial.

Step 6:

After it dries go ahead and use it! (I am showing one that I already had made because I wasnt sure how long it would take for my glue and glitter to dry.)

     So there you have it. That is how you make DIY pallet coasters. I hope you all enjoy. If you make one please let me know how it goes.


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