Sunday, December 7, 2014

My College Binder

Hey everyone,

So today I want to talk about something that is pretty essential for me to have for college in my opinion and that is my college binder. Now I have not had this for a super long time and there are still things that I would like to add to it. However, I wanted to show you guys what was in it incase you wanted to start your own.

1. The front

This is the front of my binder. I do find this part of my binder just as important as the inside because I can quickly determine exactly what binder I am picking up without having to look through it. I kept this cover pretty simple because I didn't want to have to remake it a bunch of times, I just wanted it to be kind of a one stop binder cover.

2. Courses for my major

The first thing I have when you open up my binder is a list of courses that I have to take/have the option to take for my major. This is helpful for me just because I can see what semesters everything is actually offered and not have to worry about making my schedule ahead of time and picking a class that isn't offered the semester I want to take it.

3. Recommended class sequence

This really isn't something that I actually follow to be honest. I only use it to make sure that I have all the required classes taken by some point, as well as know how many extra classes I need.

4. Projected Course Plan
This is again just a projected course plan. I made this to kind of plan out what courses I wanted/ needed to take each semester for the next 4 years. I have a feeling this will change a bit, but for not it seems to be working out for me.

5. Next Semester Schedule 

Now this is what I am actually  most proud of just because I managed to be able to actually make this on excel and I am terrible at actually making anything on excel. Its a simi-color coded schedule of my classes next semester. So its helpful for knowing when classes are for other people of they need to know when I am busy or when I am not. And having it in my binder also helps me if I forget I have a class and try to schedule something to do...which does happen...a lot.

Things I want to add
 A few of the things I want to add include:
1. List of grades for each class at the end of the semester
2. Current GPA (for each semester & accumulative)

That seems to cover most of it. I know this isnt the most exciting thing, or even the most exciting post, but I thought maybe a few people would like to see it. I also thought it might give some people ideas if they were trying to come up with something like this that they could do.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Fashion Show

As most of you know I am a fashion major at my college. As a freshman I was not exactly sure of any of the events that were hosted by my major. Ever year we have a fashion show where the proceeds go towards scholarships for students in the program.

Basically we have local boutiques who bring clothes in for models to wear on the runway. They get exposure and the models get experience. We also have student competitions within the show that include accessorizing a black dress, creating an outfit/ piece of an outfit, and a recycled portion where you use an item of clothing to create a new item: for example making a long wedding dress into a short prom dress.

I did not make anything for the fashion show this year, I did however do hair and makeup for three of the models in the black dress portion of the show. I do not have any pictures that I can show you guys of what I did because I don't have permission from the models to post their pictures on the internet. It was a stressful two days because I had a very limited amount of time, one hour, to do hair and makeup for all 3 girls. Even as a cosmetologist doing all that in a short amount of time, even with someone helping, is really hard. Though not impossible it seems like it. We made it work though which was pretty awesome.

We also had Fade Zu Grau from Project Runway as the emcee for the show. I did get a picture with him after one of my classes the morning of the show, since I would not get to actually talk to him at the show so I wanted to take the opportunity that I had in front of me that morning.

All-in-all it was a fun experience and I will be participating in it next year. Which I will be talking about in another post.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas in the dorms

Hey everyone,

So I first want to start off by saying happy almost December! I updated the header and background of the blog last night and I am actually really excited about how it turned out. I was going to wait to put this post up until tomorrow, however I decided that I was way too excited and that I couldn't just not put this up because it was still November. Today I am going to be doing a post about how we decorated our dorm room for Christmas.

DIY Christmas Tree!

Basically all I did for this DIY was take some black washi-tape and use that to make the outline of the tree. Now it would look even cooler with green washi-tape or even with green garland. I had to do with what I had though. Then I took some glitter tape and used that to look like garland on a tree since there is no outlet by my bed for me to be able to do it using lights, which would look even more awesome. 

Then I used sticky noted to make ornaments as well as a few candy canes and then the tree was done. Then for the presents I just used some post-it notes and made them look like boxes and then used some Hello Kitty ribbon to make the bows on the top.

Wall Snowflakes!

To do these I just took some washi-tape, in black and pink because that's all I had, and put them in the shape of snow flakes on the wall. I think they look super cool no matter what color you do them in and you can always do them in different colors of blue if you have the tape.

Paper snowflakes!

For this all I did was take some lined notebook paper, fold it up and started to cut out shapes. When I unfolded it they made snowflakes. Then I hung them from the ceiling with paperclips.

DIY Candy Canes!

For this I drew out a pattern for myself and then cut out six candy canes. Then I decorated them with glitter to make them look more like candy canes.

Door Decorations!

To do this we just bought a dollar plastic door hanging thing that said Merry Christmas and had a penguin on it and bought some silver garland for 98cents and put it around it. After tax it cost us $2.12 to decorate the door.

So far this is all the Christmas decorating that I have done. I did it all on my side of the room because I did not want to intrude on my roommates stuff. I hope you all get some ideas of things that you can do in your dorm room, room, or even apartment. If I add more I will make another post about it.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

My slight bit of an absence

Hey everyone,

So I realize that I have not really written in awhile, and I have a good excuse. I have been a bit busy because I was trying to get some papers done before I left for fall/Thanksgiving break. So I didnt have much time to write, and then I went to write, and my laptop had pooped out on me. Apparently there is a wire in it that is fried, so long story short I ended up having to get a new laptop because I am in college, and my finals are online. So there was no way I could just send my laptop off. So now I am sitting here with a brand new laptop, and the possibility of getting another new laptop if they cant get the wire fixed in mine. It really is a win win, except for the fact that I had to spend like $400 on a computer I am going to use for MAYBE two weeks. Yeah, its been a little crazy. But I am back, and I promise to start getting more posts up soon.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How to Deal with Stress

Hey everyone,

Today I want to talk about ways to deal with stress. There are proper and improper ways to deal with it so since I know it is starting to get to a crazy time of the year for me, I figured it would be good to go ahead and talk about it with everyone.

First off let me say if you are finding this and it is getting close to finals week for you, congratulations you have made it this far. You can make it through the last few weeks, or days, just take deep breaths.


1. Caffeine
(taken from google images)

This is honestly not the best thing to even be having when you are stressed. Caffeine actually elevates stress levels. So if you are going through a stressful time stay away from it, unless you want to be more stressed.

2. Drinking
(taken from google images)

Drinking excessively is not the way to handle stress. In the long run you will actually add to your stress if you are not only having a glass or two and have no other way to manage your stress.


1. T.V. Breaks
(taken from google images)

One way that you can start to help yourself de-stress even a little is to take breaks for your favorite tv shows. Whether that means actually turning on your tv or watching netflix on your computer. Sometimes just taking 30-60 minutes to just not think about what is stressing you out is good. Just dont do it all the time. Make sure you are doing a decent amount of homework, or studying, as well as taking the breaks.

2. Exercise

(taken from google images)

Though any type of exercise would work I personally prefer yoga. You not only get to relax but you do get the work out of an actual exercise as well, and you dont feel as tired afterward. I know that some people feel energized after running or lifting weights, but that just isnt me. Either way, no matter what you choose any type of physical activity keeps your mind off the stress and can help you relax.

I know that these are just a few tips that can help you. I will be doing a more in-depth blog post about how to be motivated to study, as well as other ways that can help you de-stress within the next week. Hope this helped everyone. 


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dorm Tour 2014!

Hey everyone,

I am excited to share with you guys a look into my dorm room for my freshman year of college. This was requested on YouTube so I figured I might as well go ahead and put it on here as well. As a quick disclaimer my roommate and I buy all of our own things, or our parents get them for us. The furniture was given to us by the school, since it is given to everyone. This is also one of the most expensive halls someone can live in. We have our own bathroom and air conditioning so if you are getting ready for college please remember that most rooms are not like this.

I hope you all enjoyed watching this video. If you have any questions about anything in my room please leave them in the comments. Also if you have blog post requests feel free to leave them in the comments as well.


Monday, November 3, 2014


Hey everyone,

Today I want to talk about a little anonymous social media network known as Yik Yak.

(image from google images)

This social network is supposed to be mostly for use of college students as I understand it. The problem is that even college students are stupid about it. I wont say exactly what happened to one student at my college as a use of using Yik Yak because it will more than likely tell what school I go to. However do to them posting what they thought was a joke on campus, they caused campus wide worry and caused professors to feel the need to cancel classes. The girl was then arrested after they used the app to track it to her phone.

I need to make a point that if you are going to use Yik Yak at least be smart about it. Do not post things that could cause panic at your school, because you will be caught.

Another thing that has seemed to become an issue on Yik Yak is bullying. I wont post the screen shots I took of things that people were saying the other night on Yik Yak but I will give you a quick run down of how it went.

Original Post: Fat girls are a lot like men, going to have to work after college.

Comment 1: They're nothing like us. I can control my appetite and contribute something to society. They waste food and air.

Now I dont know about you guys but that post made me want to hit someone. It was rude and completely uncalled for.

Original post (made by me): The people here are rude about bigger girls. We will admit we are overweight you dont have to rub it in our faces.

Comment 1: Not everyone is like that. (this one was one of the nice ones)

Comment 2: Lol. You rub it in your own faces. Many times a day. Believe it or not being fat can be cured!!! It's called the gym!! No put down the hot pockets and go!!

Comment 3 (made by me): Contrary to your beliefs some people have weight problems from medicine they take. Learn more about us before you tell us to change.

Comment 4: Does your medicine make you unable to spell too, or is that just your "bigger" thumbs. (Not even sure where I spelled anything wrong)

Comment 5: He will leave you. Fatass. Not to worry. Remember my words. Gotta go to the gym now. Dont be afraid of it it's your friend. (I made a comment about having a boyfriend before this)

This set me off and I had to get off Yik Yak before I got even more upset. There is no need to be rude, even if you are anonymous. 

If you are going to use Yik Yak think before you post. And please, be nice. You never know what the people on the other side of that phone are going through.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Whats in my Bag ~College Edition

Hey everyone,

So today I filmed my Whats in My Bag~College Edition video and I figured that I would go ahead and put it on here so you all could see it. I will write you all a much better blog post hopefully tomorrow. Enjoy!


Thursday, October 30, 2014

College Work Loads

Hey everyone,

So today I want to talk about something that has been on my mind recently with all the projects and papers that I have been working on for school. I want to talk about the work load in college and how it differs from when you are in high school.

Fist off, the big difference that you need to remember is that in college it is recommended that for every hour you are in class you spend three hours outside of class working on things for that class. It is called being a full time student for a reason, as my communications teacher said the other day. You are expected to be doing some sort of school work for 40-45 hours a week. Now I will be the first to tell you that most of the time I do not reach that many hours on school work a week. Even with taking an honors English class I usually only spend maybe 15-20 hours outside of classes working on school work.

Not everyone is the same, and when you first get to college you will be having to figure out time management. I know that I still struggle with it sometimes because there are days where you really just don't feel like doing anything. Some of those days I just give in and don't do anything....and then I feel really bad the next day because I have to work my butt off get myself caught up with work.

Secondly, the work load is going to be different from person to person. Just because you and a friend have the same class does not mean you have the same amount of work. If there is one thing that I have learned already in college it is that NOT ALL TEACHERS GIVE THE SAME AMOUNT OF WORK. That is something that is hard to grasp I know. In high school, or at least at my high school, even if the assignments were a little different every teacher in every English or math class gave the same amount of homework as every other teacher. I have learned through doing homework with my roommate as well as just by talking to people on my floor that I have less work in my English class than they do. They are expected to always write papers and do assignments because that is what they are learning. My honors English class we are given 4 papers that determine our grade for the semester. We do not learn how to write papers, we learn how to make them flow better, and how to make them sound more like a college student. In the other English classes they walk through every step of writing a paper and make them practice each part as they learn it.

So don't feel like you are just being a freak if you are doing homework all the time and your friends are not. You probably just have more work than they do at that point, and the tables will turn at some point.

Another thing to remember about the work load in college is that it is college. Nothing in college, okay not nothing but almost nothing, is going to be given to you in a simple watered down way. You will seem overwhelmed and like you dont have time for anything. You have to make time. That is how this always comes back to time management.

Another tip that I have to help with work load has to do with majors and minors. If you dont know what you want to do in college DO NOT declare a major right when you go in. You are only setting yourself up to have to have more work to do if you decide you dont want to do that. I just watched a kid that lives down the hall from me spend 2 hours in his adviser's office two days ago trying to figure out just what he needed to do to go from a biology major to an athletic training major. He is now drown in work that he is going to have to do over the summer to get caught up.

You will not be behind if you wait until your spring semester of freshman year, or even your spring semester of your sophomore year to declare a major. I also recommend that if you do change your major at some point and your classes from your old major do not transfer a decent amount to your new major that you do not declare a minor unless you want to do summer classes, or stay in college longer.

Again all of this is just how I feel. I know that some people will not feel the same. If you have any thoughts on the work load in college feel free to leave them in the comments. I would love to read how everyone else feels.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Diy Infinity scarfs

Hey girls,

So I know everyone these days are loving infinity scarfs. Being a fashion major helps with knowing that, but I also just happen to know because I myself love infinity scarfs. So today I am going to show you how you can turn your old normal scarfs into infinity scarfs.

Let't get started!

1.Scarf(s) that you are wanting to turn into infinities.
2.Sewing machine(or fabric glue)
4.Pins(if you are going to be sewing the scarf

So since I am a fashion major I have access to some really nice sewing machines on a weekly basis. So I figured I would use it while it was available to me. If you do not have the luxury of having a sewing machine you can hand sew or you can use fabric glue to hold it together.

Step one:
Pick out the scarf that you would like to turn into the infinity. I forgot to take a picture of both of mine originally but that's okay, you will get the gist of it later.

Step two:
Cut off any stringy frilly ends that are on the end of the scarf so that they don't get in the way while sewing. You can throw these away unless you plan on using them for another project, you will not be reconnecting them to the scarf.

Step three:
Put the right sides of the scarf together so that the inside of the scar if facing you. If you are having trouble telling which part is the inside look for the tags, they are always on the inside of the scarf. Then you will pin it together if you are going to be using a sewing machine. Just as I did below.

If you are gluing the scarf using fabric glue, make sure it is going to bond enough with the fabric to hold it together for a long time. You don’t need to pin it together if you are going to glue. Just make sure that everything is lined up correctly. You will also have to wait for it to dry completely before moving on the next step.

Step four:
If you are using fabric glue then skip this step. However if you are going to be sewing then this step is especially important for you. You are going to want to sit your scarf under the foot of your machine, and have it lined up so that you will be making a 5/8 “ seam. Now with this fancy dancy sewing machine I have it doesn’t say 5/8 on it. So if that is the case for you just get out a seam gauge, measure from the needle to the plate 5/8 “ and then make sure the edge of you scarf is lining up exactly at where the seam gauge says 5/8 is. Then begin to sew, make sure you do a back stitch at the beginning and end of the fabric.

Step five:
Now you will be making a seam finish on your scarf. I just took a pair of pinking shears and cut along the edge of the seam allowance. We have a surger so I could have made it look really fancy, but I know most people don’t have access to those.

Step six: (Optional)
If the tag is in a spot that you do not particularly like then take a seam ripper and rep out the stitches holding it on. Then go head and either hand sew, or with a machine, it to the new spot where you would like it to be.

And there you go it is all finished! These are the two completed scarfs. They took me about 10 minutes each. It was really simple and an easy way to turn old scarfs into infinities.

I hope you all enjoyed this DIY post. If you have any requests for blogs please leave them in the comments.
~Kaylan's hard...sometimes.

Hey everyone,

So I know that first off I owe a big apology for randomly disappearing all the time. I could give you excuses all day, but we all know that excuses mean nothing. I have been dealing with school, and though it is a reason not to be blogging, in my opinion it is not a good one.

But on the topic of the amount of time I have spent on school work if you could see my schedule you would probably think I am crazy, and you would probably think I was even crazier if you knew that I voluntarily added even more to my plate for next semester.

For those of you that are curious on everything that I do on a normal basis here at school I am going to give you a general prepared. I am warning you  now that it is a lot.

Eng 108: Writing and literature (honors class...didn't know that when I signed up) MWF 10-10:50
Math 035: (math I shouldn't be in so we wont talk about that) MWF 1-1:50
Comm 101: MWF 3-3:50
Fcs 107: Contemporary and historic perspective (this isn't actually what this is. it lies.) W 12-12:50
Tam 214: Perspectives of dress T TH 9:30-10:45
Tam 111: Clothing 1 (basically beginner sewing) T TH 12:30-3:15

Now this may not seem like a lot considering it is only 16 credit hours, but with all the homework that comes with Eng 108, Comm 101, and Math 035 it's a little overwhelming. in the next three weeks this is everything that I have do for those classes, plus some things due for the other classes as well.
Eng 108: Annotated bibliography with abstract (3 pages)
Summary of films (I believe 2-3 pages each)
Rough draft for paper that hasn't been assigned yet

Comm 101: Watch Black Swan
Watch Noah
2-3 page movie review for both movies
Biography on Darren Aronofsky
Written group project
Power point with movie clips
Group presentation
Persuasive speech outline
Persuasive speech
IPC online module

Math 035:Unit 11 test
chapter 29 quiz
chapter 30 quiz
Unit 12 test
more quizzes
Unit 13 test
more quizzes
Unit 14 test
Final Exam

Tam 214: 12 page research paper (we have worked on that in sections for a month though)

Despite all of this however I did get to take some pictures during my sewing class and I will have a DIY up for you guys either tonight or tomorrow sometime.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Early morning brainstorm

Hey everyone,

So I got to my English class a half hour early this morning so I could sit down and write a blog post out for you guys. I know I have really sucked at blogging since.....well I have always sucked at blogging, but I am trying to get more on a schedule for it. What I need from you guys is support though. I love doing this, but feeling like you are talking to yourself and just not being able to interact with people isn't fun. I absolutely love to talk with people in the comments and just learn about anyone that reads the blog.

I am also slightly lost for what blog posts to do, because you guys don't really give me feed back and tell me what you want. I would like for  you to leave your ideas for blog posts in the comments of this post so that I can see what it is that you guys want to see.

Also, I am busy with school work, as are most people, so sometimes the post might be short just because I am writing like 3 papers right now. Don't think I don't still love to do this, it's just hard when I have as much stuff going on as I do right now.

Time to run, I need to do a few housekeeping things with a paper before I go to English.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Stressful days, as well as crazy nights

Hey everyone,

So I know I have not written in awhile, so sorry. Everything has been really stressful, plus I have had some other crazy things going on. I had to take a few days off from college for some health related things, and well I am going back to morrow. So I am trying to get caught up on a few house keeping items before I go back to college tonight. I should hopefully get back to writing on a regular basis soon.


Monday, September 15, 2014

College so far

Hey everyone-

Sorry I havent posted in awhile, I finally am starting to get into the groove of this college thing. So hopefully not I will have more time to write blog posts and maybe to even make videos again. (As a side note this post has been written for a week and I didnt know it never got posted. Oops.)

     To be completely honest college has been fun, but most of us are way to busty to have very much fun.I pretty much always have something going on or something that is due. I will make another blog post/ video explaining all of the changes with my planner sometime very soon. 

     I also have been spending time playing cards against humanity with my floor. As well as having movie nights in our lobby. Most everyone gets along most of the time. There are just the times that some of us get a little more annoyed with certain people than we do with others. I am more of the one getting annoyed with people because I am really easy to irritate especially when I am stressed, doing homework, or just dont want to be bothered.

     The roommate and I are getting along well, we just sometimes disagree on when other people should be over, and when its time for them to stop being in our room. Other than that we generally dont have too many problems and we actually get along really well.

     My classes themselves are generally pretty easy. In my English class we pretty much just watch movies and then write about our thoughts on them. My math class...well lets not talk about that. I still dont have any idea what my family consumer science class is about because I have only had it once, and it's got something to do with learning about my major, but again no real idea what it is. My communication class is really fun and the teacher is really laid back. My perspectives of dress class is the only one that is a little odd because we read about some pretty weird things about non-western cultures. Though I will say there are more cool things than there are weird things. My sewing class is probably the one I am most excited for. We recently have just been learning the basics of seams though so it can be pretty boring most days

     The boyfriend and I are doing okay. We broke up right before I came to school, but we recently got back together. He is leaving for vacation here in a few days so I know I am going to get to here some pretty exciting stories about that. Anyway, because we havent been back together for that long we dont know how we will do with this me not being around thing, but we will get it figured out one way or another.

     All in all college has so far been a pretty good experience. Though I am crazy busy most of the time I still try to find a little bit of time during the day to have some fun, even if its only a small amount.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

OOTD- Sunday August 17 (roommate move in)

Hey there lovelies, today I am doing something new and doing an outfit of the day post for you guys. This is mostly because I just filmed a video and because my roommate is moving in today so as of right now I dont have much to be able to write about because it has been pretty boring for me the last few days.

This first picture is just kind of an over view of everything I have on today, even though its not exactly a full picture it works.

The jeans in this picture are a pair of the relaxed boot from Torrid. These are my new favorite jeans and I honestly love them.

This one again shows everything but it shoes more of my shirt which is just black and from Debs.

This scarf that I have on today actually came from a friend of mine.

And the earrings are owls that I bought from a little mom and pop store about 2 hours away from my house.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post. I will get to making more than just fashion posts soon. I promise.
