Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Fashion Show

As most of you know I am a fashion major at my college. As a freshman I was not exactly sure of any of the events that were hosted by my major. Ever year we have a fashion show where the proceeds go towards scholarships for students in the program.

Basically we have local boutiques who bring clothes in for models to wear on the runway. They get exposure and the models get experience. We also have student competitions within the show that include accessorizing a black dress, creating an outfit/ piece of an outfit, and a recycled portion where you use an item of clothing to create a new item: for example making a long wedding dress into a short prom dress.

I did not make anything for the fashion show this year, I did however do hair and makeup for three of the models in the black dress portion of the show. I do not have any pictures that I can show you guys of what I did because I don't have permission from the models to post their pictures on the internet. It was a stressful two days because I had a very limited amount of time, one hour, to do hair and makeup for all 3 girls. Even as a cosmetologist doing all that in a short amount of time, even with someone helping, is really hard. Though not impossible it seems like it. We made it work though which was pretty awesome.

We also had Fade Zu Grau from Project Runway as the emcee for the show. I did get a picture with him after one of my classes the morning of the show, since I would not get to actually talk to him at the show so I wanted to take the opportunity that I had in front of me that morning.

All-in-all it was a fun experience and I will be participating in it next year. Which I will be talking about in another post.


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