Sunday, December 7, 2014

My College Binder

Hey everyone,

So today I want to talk about something that is pretty essential for me to have for college in my opinion and that is my college binder. Now I have not had this for a super long time and there are still things that I would like to add to it. However, I wanted to show you guys what was in it incase you wanted to start your own.

1. The front

This is the front of my binder. I do find this part of my binder just as important as the inside because I can quickly determine exactly what binder I am picking up without having to look through it. I kept this cover pretty simple because I didn't want to have to remake it a bunch of times, I just wanted it to be kind of a one stop binder cover.

2. Courses for my major

The first thing I have when you open up my binder is a list of courses that I have to take/have the option to take for my major. This is helpful for me just because I can see what semesters everything is actually offered and not have to worry about making my schedule ahead of time and picking a class that isn't offered the semester I want to take it.

3. Recommended class sequence

This really isn't something that I actually follow to be honest. I only use it to make sure that I have all the required classes taken by some point, as well as know how many extra classes I need.

4. Projected Course Plan
This is again just a projected course plan. I made this to kind of plan out what courses I wanted/ needed to take each semester for the next 4 years. I have a feeling this will change a bit, but for not it seems to be working out for me.

5. Next Semester Schedule 

Now this is what I am actually  most proud of just because I managed to be able to actually make this on excel and I am terrible at actually making anything on excel. Its a simi-color coded schedule of my classes next semester. So its helpful for knowing when classes are for other people of they need to know when I am busy or when I am not. And having it in my binder also helps me if I forget I have a class and try to schedule something to do...which does happen...a lot.

Things I want to add
 A few of the things I want to add include:
1. List of grades for each class at the end of the semester
2. Current GPA (for each semester & accumulative)

That seems to cover most of it. I know this isnt the most exciting thing, or even the most exciting post, but I thought maybe a few people would like to see it. I also thought it might give some people ideas if they were trying to come up with something like this that they could do.

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