Monday, September 15, 2014

College so far

Hey everyone-

Sorry I havent posted in awhile, I finally am starting to get into the groove of this college thing. So hopefully not I will have more time to write blog posts and maybe to even make videos again. (As a side note this post has been written for a week and I didnt know it never got posted. Oops.)

     To be completely honest college has been fun, but most of us are way to busty to have very much fun.I pretty much always have something going on or something that is due. I will make another blog post/ video explaining all of the changes with my planner sometime very soon. 

     I also have been spending time playing cards against humanity with my floor. As well as having movie nights in our lobby. Most everyone gets along most of the time. There are just the times that some of us get a little more annoyed with certain people than we do with others. I am more of the one getting annoyed with people because I am really easy to irritate especially when I am stressed, doing homework, or just dont want to be bothered.

     The roommate and I are getting along well, we just sometimes disagree on when other people should be over, and when its time for them to stop being in our room. Other than that we generally dont have too many problems and we actually get along really well.

     My classes themselves are generally pretty easy. In my English class we pretty much just watch movies and then write about our thoughts on them. My math class...well lets not talk about that. I still dont have any idea what my family consumer science class is about because I have only had it once, and it's got something to do with learning about my major, but again no real idea what it is. My communication class is really fun and the teacher is really laid back. My perspectives of dress class is the only one that is a little odd because we read about some pretty weird things about non-western cultures. Though I will say there are more cool things than there are weird things. My sewing class is probably the one I am most excited for. We recently have just been learning the basics of seams though so it can be pretty boring most days

     The boyfriend and I are doing okay. We broke up right before I came to school, but we recently got back together. He is leaving for vacation here in a few days so I know I am going to get to here some pretty exciting stories about that. Anyway, because we havent been back together for that long we dont know how we will do with this me not being around thing, but we will get it figured out one way or another.

     All in all college has so far been a pretty good experience. Though I am crazy busy most of the time I still try to find a little bit of time during the day to have some fun, even if its only a small amount.


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