Thursday, October 23, 2014's hard...sometimes.

Hey everyone,

So I know that first off I owe a big apology for randomly disappearing all the time. I could give you excuses all day, but we all know that excuses mean nothing. I have been dealing with school, and though it is a reason not to be blogging, in my opinion it is not a good one.

But on the topic of the amount of time I have spent on school work if you could see my schedule you would probably think I am crazy, and you would probably think I was even crazier if you knew that I voluntarily added even more to my plate for next semester.

For those of you that are curious on everything that I do on a normal basis here at school I am going to give you a general prepared. I am warning you  now that it is a lot.

Eng 108: Writing and literature (honors class...didn't know that when I signed up) MWF 10-10:50
Math 035: (math I shouldn't be in so we wont talk about that) MWF 1-1:50
Comm 101: MWF 3-3:50
Fcs 107: Contemporary and historic perspective (this isn't actually what this is. it lies.) W 12-12:50
Tam 214: Perspectives of dress T TH 9:30-10:45
Tam 111: Clothing 1 (basically beginner sewing) T TH 12:30-3:15

Now this may not seem like a lot considering it is only 16 credit hours, but with all the homework that comes with Eng 108, Comm 101, and Math 035 it's a little overwhelming. in the next three weeks this is everything that I have do for those classes, plus some things due for the other classes as well.
Eng 108: Annotated bibliography with abstract (3 pages)
Summary of films (I believe 2-3 pages each)
Rough draft for paper that hasn't been assigned yet

Comm 101: Watch Black Swan
Watch Noah
2-3 page movie review for both movies
Biography on Darren Aronofsky
Written group project
Power point with movie clips
Group presentation
Persuasive speech outline
Persuasive speech
IPC online module

Math 035:Unit 11 test
chapter 29 quiz
chapter 30 quiz
Unit 12 test
more quizzes
Unit 13 test
more quizzes
Unit 14 test
Final Exam

Tam 214: 12 page research paper (we have worked on that in sections for a month though)

Despite all of this however I did get to take some pictures during my sewing class and I will have a DIY up for you guys either tonight or tomorrow sometime.


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