Monday, November 3, 2014


Hey everyone,

Today I want to talk about a little anonymous social media network known as Yik Yak.

(image from google images)

This social network is supposed to be mostly for use of college students as I understand it. The problem is that even college students are stupid about it. I wont say exactly what happened to one student at my college as a use of using Yik Yak because it will more than likely tell what school I go to. However do to them posting what they thought was a joke on campus, they caused campus wide worry and caused professors to feel the need to cancel classes. The girl was then arrested after they used the app to track it to her phone.

I need to make a point that if you are going to use Yik Yak at least be smart about it. Do not post things that could cause panic at your school, because you will be caught.

Another thing that has seemed to become an issue on Yik Yak is bullying. I wont post the screen shots I took of things that people were saying the other night on Yik Yak but I will give you a quick run down of how it went.

Original Post: Fat girls are a lot like men, going to have to work after college.

Comment 1: They're nothing like us. I can control my appetite and contribute something to society. They waste food and air.

Now I dont know about you guys but that post made me want to hit someone. It was rude and completely uncalled for.

Original post (made by me): The people here are rude about bigger girls. We will admit we are overweight you dont have to rub it in our faces.

Comment 1: Not everyone is like that. (this one was one of the nice ones)

Comment 2: Lol. You rub it in your own faces. Many times a day. Believe it or not being fat can be cured!!! It's called the gym!! No put down the hot pockets and go!!

Comment 3 (made by me): Contrary to your beliefs some people have weight problems from medicine they take. Learn more about us before you tell us to change.

Comment 4: Does your medicine make you unable to spell too, or is that just your "bigger" thumbs. (Not even sure where I spelled anything wrong)

Comment 5: He will leave you. Fatass. Not to worry. Remember my words. Gotta go to the gym now. Dont be afraid of it it's your friend. (I made a comment about having a boyfriend before this)

This set me off and I had to get off Yik Yak before I got even more upset. There is no need to be rude, even if you are anonymous. 

If you are going to use Yik Yak think before you post. And please, be nice. You never know what the people on the other side of that phone are going through.


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