Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Weight Loss Wednesday: Week 1

     So week one of my weight loss journey is over, and let me tell you it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I started out the week strong. I was eating less and eating healthier, then Friday April 3rd hit and it all went down hill. It is hard to eat healthy on the weekends at my college, mostly because they close everything down except the fast food places that are in our common area. To people that arn't dieting being able to buy Pizza Hut, Burger King, Taco Bell, and so many other places on credits is like a dream come true. For me however that is not the case. I absolutely despise going down there because the only healthy place we have is a knock off of Subway and let me tell you it is not very goo din my opinion and you can only get sandwiches, you can't even get a salad like you can at Subway. So this weekend was hard. I ate as decent as I could on Friday and Saturday but then Sunday rolled around and my mom came down for Easter and took me to lunch. We went to Chedders and it was amazing, the portions were just huge. I even brought food back to my dorm, but I still knew that I had over eaten. I let that continue the rest of the day with Pizza Hut for dinner and then a bag of chips and a pink lemonade at about 9:30 or so.

     To day I was disappointed Monday morning when I stepped on the scale would be an understatement. I was devastated. Everything that I had worked so hard for in the last couple days was gone from a few bad food choices do to not really having any other options. However, I picked right back up on Monday making sure to eat healthy and watch my calories. To my sadness when I checked my weight a few hours after dinner I was still at over what I was when I started on Wednesday. That was when I realized weighing myself multiple times throughout the day was not a good idea. Tuesday morning was good because I weighed and it had gone down just a little. However, then I had a really bad day with eating. Bad enough that I went back to my dorm and started crying. So today starts a new day of me trying to get back on the wagon of this weight loss thing, which was harder than I thought it was going to be at first.

      As of this morning April 8, 2015 I weighed in at 208.7 I am proud of myself for this because I had a struggle and fell off the wagon over the first weekend I had to eat at school, and I had prepared myself for that. I did not lose any weight and instead actually gained a little, but even though I am kind of sad about that, at least my falling off the wagon didn't cost me a pound or two like it could have.
     The plan for this week is to continue to keep my daily calories around 1430. I do a pretty good job at doing this, I just have a hard time always making the best choices on what to eat while I am getting to this. I am planning on also adding in at least one extra hour of walking this week. Sine I am in college I do probably about 30-45 minutes of walking a day depending on the day and where my classes are at. That gives me a solid 2.5-3.75 hours of walking in 5 days. Which doesn't seem like a lot but walking any amount help when it comes to exercise. I also had feet problems up until a few years ago and because of that I was never able to do more than walk, and even that hurt. I don't want to throw myself into intensive exercise knowing that my body has never been able to do that, so I want to work my way into it by adding an extra hour of walking each week until I finally reach to where I am adding an extra hour of walking every day. Also the 2.5-3.75 hours does not include what I walk on the weekends or any walking I do outside of going to class. 

     This weeks motivation is something I found on google and set as my phone background because I wanted to see it every day. It says "eat less sugar {you are sweet enough already}". I really liked this quote as something to put on my phone to see every time I was on it because I sometimes have a hard time saying no to sweets when they are offered to me. I feel like I am being rude if I say no, even though I know that is not the case. 

How did your first week of Weight Loss Wednesday go? Let me know in the comments. Also feel free to talk about any struggles you have had or any questions you may have. I will be talking in a week or so about some weight loss apps that are really helping me through this process, I just want to make sure that I am giving accurate information about them before recommending them. Good luck on your weight loss journey and I will see you all next week.

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