Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Name Changes


   So today should have been a Weight Loss Wednesday post, however I figured that I needed to talk more about the name changes that have been happening on my blog and on my YouTube. There will be a new Weight Loss Wednesday post next week, I promise.

     So anyway on to what this post is supposed to be about. As you guys can tell if you have ever read this blog before, the name has changed. I did this because to be honest I realized that my blog was no longer about what I thought it was going to be about in the beginning and I figured it would be better to change my name now, then to change it after I have a lot more readers. The blog is now Frivolous Elegance, which I thought was fitting because this blog has a lot of things going on sometimes and it isn't just about diy, printables, or life anymore.



characterized by lack of seriousness or sense:
frivolous conduct.
self-indulgently carefree; unconcerned about or lacking any seriouspurpose.
(of a person) given to trifling or undue levity:
a frivolous, empty-headed person.
of little or no weight, worth, or importance; not worthy of seriousnotice:
a frivolous suggestion.
     If you have ever taken a look at my posts you will see that they really are kind of carefree at times and they are also not ever the same. Monday I just post about whatever I feel like that day, Wednesday is weight loss journey day, and Thursday's used to be free printables (I am working on bringing that back it is just not working out for me). So as you can see my blog as a multitude of things going on.


tastefully fine or luxurious in dress, style, design, etc.:
elegant furnishings.
gracefully refined and dignified, as in tastes, habits, or literary style:
an elegant young gentleman; an elegant prosodist.
graceful in form or movement:
an elegant wave of the hand.
appropriate to refined taste:
a man devoted to elegant pursuits.
excellent; fine; superior:
an absolutely elegant wine.
(of scientific, technical, or mathematical theories, solutions, etc.)gracefully concise and simple; admirably succinct.
     Then we get the elegance part because even though my blog has a lot of content I myself strive to make sure that it is good content that is tasteful and attractive. The attractive part is being worked on because this is the first time I have ever actually run a blog and wanted it to look really nice and grab peoples attention.

     So as random as the name seems there was actually a very thought out reason behind the blogs name change. The other name change I want to talk about though is the name change with my YouTube channel. There will be a video going up about this next week so once it goes up I will link it in this post.  The decision to change my YouTube name was not an easy one seeing as I had been on YouTube for 5 years on and off using the same name most of the time. Now I had gone through phases where I would try to make new channels but I would always go back to MakeupPrincess813. After YouTube started allowing you to use your real name because they started to connect with Google+ (I don't like google+ for any reason other than that I could change my name. I hate it other than that) I started to toss around the idea of changing my name. However, I didn't want everyone on the internet to know my last name so I just stuck with MakeupPrincess813. Recently though I had realized that even though I am still making makeup videos it is not all about that anymore. I wanted my channel name to be a little more professional as well as reflect more of what I was doing on the channel, and so after messing around my new channel Kaylan ❣.

     So I have spent a lot of time trying to remake the blog layout and headers as well as some stuff for YouTube. It has been a bit crazy because of all the changes, but I am glad I made them.

     What do you guys think of the name changes? Do you think it was a good move, or a bad move? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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