Sunday, January 4, 2015

The dreaded return to School

  Well it has been almost a month that I have been home from school due to winter break, and let me tell you it has been nice not to be in school. Weirdly though I do miss being at school. I think it is due to the majority of my friends being people that I am in college with, not people that live in my home town. I miss the American Horror Story tv nights in my room, but most of all I miss just being around the people who irritate me the most sometimes, but that I always end up talking to regardless because if I didn't talk to them I would miss them.

  As the semester draws closer (just a week until I leave to go back) I have been thinking about what is going to happen with blog posts once I get back. You guys know that I tend to be that person that is good with a blog for a little bit and then just gets busy and abandons it. Then comes back expecting it to give me love again.  A little to far maybe? Either way I know that it is probably coming so I have been trying to figure out how to keep it from happening. The best way I came up with was to write a bunch of blog posts and schedule them to go out at certain times. The only thing I am worried about with that is that a)writing a bunch of blogs when I don't really have a bunch of ideas or printables finished that I can just schedule out does not really seem smart idea and b)that I have never scheduled out blog posts on here and I would be scared it wouldn't work. Another thing is that I feel like not physically typing the posts would make me honestly forget that I had to write after the scheduled posts go up.

  I know this basically means that I am going to have to work my butt off with post to keep up and hopefully keep up on my promise of one free printable a week. As well as keep up with telling you guys about other stuff because, let's be honest, we all love free stuff but just reading about the free printables would probably get boring for most people. I mean I know that I would get bored of just writing those posts.

  Also with the start of the semester looming I have been thinking about books and the other college related things that come with starting a new semester. I can say I didn't spend all that much on books last semester as I am this semester. I am spending almost $300 more!!!! I know crazy. I mean I knew when I started college that books were expensive, but damn. My normal strategy to order used books or even rent books did not happen this semester (or it won't....once I actually order my books) do to a few things that I have being books you have to buy new because you have to have an access code, and the fact that I am a fashion major and one of my classes revolves around a fabric swatch kit that, again, has to be bought new because we light stuff on fire! I can't say I am not excited for that part, but still the kit is a decent chunk of money.

  I thought about maybe writing another blog post all about books now that I have one semester down and am starting another semester. There are a few things I learned about the different types of books that I think some people would be interested in hearing about, but I don't know if you guys would want to see another post on that. The last time I just basically talked about the different options for buying books. This one would be about my experience with the different types, as well as my opinion on which is best. Just a running thought, not sure though.

  Another thing that is just sort of a passing thought at the moment is attempting to keep a bullet journal and seeing how it works and if I like it. I would write blog post about it of course, one of which I have already started writing. I just don't know if it is worth it to me. It seems a little redundant when you have a planner, and I am also not really a fan of how the beginning of the journal is set up.

  I think I have written enough random rambling today for you guys for the next month. Let me know what you think about writing another post about books for college as well as what you think about the bullet journal. I would like to know how other people feel about it before I completely pass it off.


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