Friday, January 2, 2015

Printable: Free January 4x6 Calendar

Hey everyone,

Today I am bringing you guys the first free printable that I have made! Now I will offer more than one free printable a month, no worries. However, I will only be offering the 4x6 calendars in a blog post at the beginning of each month that the calender is for, since the calendars are dated for 2015.

The first printable that I am offering is my 4x6 January Calender. You can get it here!
I originally made this calender in a 4x6 form, you CAN change the size however when you print it if your printer gives you the option. I am currently using this in a 4x6 form in my fitness journal and in a 3.5x5 form in my monthly planner/life binder set up. The calender is white, not grey as the picture above is showing. It does have some grey around the curved corners however so that you can see to cut the curves out if you are like me and don't have the fancy corner curve cutting devices that are currently sold.

How to use a mini Calender in a planner
If you are lost for ways that you can use a mini calender in a planner then boy do I have some ideas for you. Trust me there are many ways that you can add a calender into a planner. If you have a filofax or anything of that sort it is probably a little more practical but I even use them in my monthly view of my Sugar Paper LA planner. 

1. 30-Day Challanges-
        Other than February (cause there are only 28 days) you can use these mini calenders to track 30 day challenges, such as the 30-day squat challenge. 

2. Habit forming
        Another way that you can use these mini calenders is to form a habit. There is a saying that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so you could put stickers or some other form of tracking on it to track your 21 days until your habit is formed.

3. Tracking New Year's Resolutions
        Now this one can be taken a few different ways. If you are tracking a number of days you want to be doing something in a certain month this is really easy to use if you still want to have all the room on your planner. Or you could use it to track a new years resolution like stop biting nails, or eat healthier, or any of those sorts of things. Now I know this is close to habit forming, but I figured I would throw in a new years related thing since it is the 2nd day of the year.

4. Bill Tracker
        You could also use the mini calendars for bill tracking. Again this is more practical maybe for people with a filofax since they could throw it right in their finance section and move on. But as always anyone with a spiral planner could make it work too. Plus it would keep you from taking up space in your monthly boxes, which is important when you have a lot going on in your monthly view. Like moms and students.

I hope you guys enjoy this first printable of the year. Let me know in the comments what other printables you would like to see, what you guys think of this mini calender, and leave ideas for how to use this mini calender.


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