Today I have another free printable for you guys. I thought I would make some note pages for you guys to print off and use. Now I know that we can get note pages everywhere but I use these in a full size for my life binder. I made them in a 5x7 form but again you can resize when you print it as always.
You can get the blank note page here and the lined note page here.
I hope you guys like these printable note pages. I will be trying to make some more note pages for those of you that don't really like the design of this page, but I thought it was really cute so I just had to make it.
See you all in the next post,
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
2014 Favorites
I thought about making a video on my 2014 favorites, but then I thought that I would rather do it in a blog post because then I could actually talk about everything as in-depth as I would like. Without further ado I present to you, my 2014 favorites.
1. Original Urban Decay Naked Palette
2.Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette
Even though I just got this in December for Christmas I fell in love with this palette immediately and knew that I had to have i in my favorites for 2014. All the colors in this palette are great and all of them are colors that I would use.
3. My white Iphone 4s

Now I know this isn't the newest Iphone or anything like that but I love it because it is the phone I have had the longest. Not to say that this phone hasnt been shattered and replaced, but after an episode with the Iphone 5c this year I knew I was going back to my 4s.
4. Viva La Juicy Noir
I have a love hate with this perfume if we are being completely honest. It is one of my favorites for 2014 however. I got it for Christmas of 2013 and after getting in a car accident in late January or early February of 2014. I stopped using a purse that I was using at the time and forgot that the perfume was in there. I found it in December when I got back to school and grabbed that old purse to carry some things to a friends and I found it and got very excited.
Well that was a bit disappointing. I was thinking that my favorites were going to be longer than 4 things. As you can see I suck at remembering things that I use throughout the year. I am going to attempt to get better at that, and try to do monthly favorites to remind myself of everything I loved throughout the year. Sorry that wasn't much of a favorites blog, I hope you all still liked it.
See you for Free Printable Thursday!
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Free Printable: Weekly Water Tracker
Well hello there everyone, it is nice to see that you have come to join me over on this little blog that I like to call home. Today I have a free printable that I personally think you will find extremely useful. I know that many people try to drink more water and sometimes it doesn't always happen because you don't have something reminding you to do it every time you look at something. That is why I have created a printable weekly water tracker for you guys. I have been using something similar to the one that I have designed as a sticker in my planner. I will be using my own design once January is up and I have used all the stickers I had printed off. This will be available in a page that you can resize and print as well as a sticker.
You can find the full size page here.
You can find the sticker sized document here.
You can find the full size page here.
You can find the sticker sized document here.
If you will be printing this off as a page you can go ahead and just resize to the size you need as usual. If you are printing of the sticker version you will need to get either sticker paper, or you will need to get the full sheet shipping label from Avery. You could also glue or tape them on if that is an option that works easier for you.
I hope you all enjoy this weeks printable. Let me know in the comments if you use it, and any other printables you might want to see in the future
Monday, January 12, 2015
Planner Supply Haul: Target Dollar Spot
I made an exception today to buying planner things because there is not a Target in the town that my college is in, so I went in just to see if they had any of the Valentine's day stuff yet and they did. I wanted to get so much more than I did but I tried to resist. I think I spent about $7-$8 today so I would say that is successful. So since I have joined everyone else in their Target obsession I figured I would make a little haul post for you guys today.
This is just a quick look at everything I bought. I know the picture isn't great but do to filming a YouTube video my actual camera was dead, so I opted for my phone.
Next I bought sticky notes that were in the dollar section because we all know that I just need so many more. I have so many I could probably make an entire YouTube video about them. Anyway I grabbed two packs of the valentine themed ones that came with two sticky notes types in a pack. I actually picked up the candy heart ones on accident, I was trying to pick up the owl ones and grabbed the wrong thing, but I still like them. They are pretty cute, and I know I will use them a lot during February. Then I picked up one pack of some black and white ones that were in the dollar section. I know a lot of people say these sticky notes don't stick the best but I really haven't had much of a problem with them if I stick them to a laminated sheet. If I stick it to normal paper though I have to washi tape it a lot.
Then I picked up two packages of washi tape, or as pretty much every place calls it now, paper tape. The one on the left is a red glitter tape and the one on the right says Happy Valentine's Day. Now I just have to say that I have never gotten as much washi tape for a dollar on a role as I have from the Target dollar spot or Dollar Tree. I can rarely ever find the washi at either place but when I can it always has a whole lot more on a role than anywhere else.
Next I picked up a chalk marker. I got this because last week I picked up some chalk board sticker flags from the dollar spot (which are still available if you want them) and didn't have anything to write on them with. I did buy some white gel pens at Jo Ann's the other day that work well, but when I saw this chalk marker I knew I needed it to try to make things a little less permanent. Let's just say it doesn't exactly work how I thought it would, but it was a cool concept and I will find some way that I can use it.
The last thing that I got where these huge clothes pins. They were actually the very first thing I saw and I decided I needed them. When I got home I wasn't really sure what I was going to use them for, but I am using one as a marker for my blog section of my planner/ life binder. I have not found a use for the striped one yet.
That is it for my Target Dollar Spot haul. I hope you guys liked seeing the completely un-needed things that I splurged on today. I am thinking that next month will be a no spend month for me...except for Valentine's day of course. Let me know what your favorite items from this haul are in the comments, or even just let me know what your favorite dollar spot items are.
See you later this week for the free printable post,
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Free Printables: 3x5 Inspirational Journaling Card Pack
Today I am bring you another free printable. This weeks printable is actually a 3x5 inspirational journaling card pack. There are 8 cards in this card pack for you guys to print off and use in your planners, smashbooks, project life, and anything else that you can come up with to put them in. They are all inspirational quotes that I have added to backgrounds, and pictures that I have put together for you guys.
You can download the card pack here.
As a note. I made these to be 3x5 cards, however when I printed them out they were not the right size and where WAY to small. I re did them in a word document style and scaled them to be a bit bigger. They still were not exactly the right size for my planner, though that is possibly because I have a normal sized binder as a planner (more on that in another post). You can move them around to new pages and edit the sizes of them if you need to to make them work for you.
I hope you all enjoy this weeks free printable. If you have any questions feel free to ask away in the comments. Otherwise let me know what you think of this pack and what you are using it for if you print it. I would also love to see pictures of the cards if you guys use them so send them to me on twitter @latenight_kay or on instagram @beautiful_kaylan
Sunday, January 4, 2015
The dreaded return to School
Well it has been almost a month that I have been home from school due to winter break, and let me tell you it has been nice not to be in school. Weirdly though I do miss being at school. I think it is due to the majority of my friends being people that I am in college with, not people that live in my home town. I miss the American Horror Story tv nights in my room, but most of all I miss just being around the people who irritate me the most sometimes, but that I always end up talking to regardless because if I didn't talk to them I would miss them.
As the semester draws closer (just a week until I leave to go back) I have been thinking about what is going to happen with blog posts once I get back. You guys know that I tend to be that person that is good with a blog for a little bit and then just gets busy and abandons it. Then comes back expecting it to give me love again. A little to far maybe? Either way I know that it is probably coming so I have been trying to figure out how to keep it from happening. The best way I came up with was to write a bunch of blog posts and schedule them to go out at certain times. The only thing I am worried about with that is that a)writing a bunch of blogs when I don't really have a bunch of ideas or printables finished that I can just schedule out does not really seem smart idea and b)that I have never scheduled out blog posts on here and I would be scared it wouldn't work. Another thing is that I feel like not physically typing the posts would make me honestly forget that I had to write after the scheduled posts go up.
I know this basically means that I am going to have to work my butt off with post to keep up and hopefully keep up on my promise of one free printable a week. As well as keep up with telling you guys about other stuff because, let's be honest, we all love free stuff but just reading about the free printables would probably get boring for most people. I mean I know that I would get bored of just writing those posts.
Also with the start of the semester looming I have been thinking about books and the other college related things that come with starting a new semester. I can say I didn't spend all that much on books last semester as I am this semester. I am spending almost $300 more!!!! I know crazy. I mean I knew when I started college that books were expensive, but damn. My normal strategy to order used books or even rent books did not happen this semester (or it won't....once I actually order my books) do to a few things that I have being books you have to buy new because you have to have an access code, and the fact that I am a fashion major and one of my classes revolves around a fabric swatch kit that, again, has to be bought new because we light stuff on fire! I can't say I am not excited for that part, but still the kit is a decent chunk of money.
I thought about maybe writing another blog post all about books now that I have one semester down and am starting another semester. There are a few things I learned about the different types of books that I think some people would be interested in hearing about, but I don't know if you guys would want to see another post on that. The last time I just basically talked about the different options for buying books. This one would be about my experience with the different types, as well as my opinion on which is best. Just a running thought, not sure though.
Another thing that is just sort of a passing thought at the moment is attempting to keep a bullet journal and seeing how it works and if I like it. I would write blog post about it of course, one of which I have already started writing. I just don't know if it is worth it to me. It seems a little redundant when you have a planner, and I am also not really a fan of how the beginning of the journal is set up.
I think I have written enough random rambling today for you guys for the next month. Let me know what you think about writing another post about books for college as well as what you think about the bullet journal. I would like to know how other people feel about it before I completely pass it off.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Printable: Free January 4x6 Calendar
Hey everyone,
Today I am bringing you guys the first free printable that I have made! Now I will offer more than one free printable a month, no worries. However, I will only be offering the 4x6 calendars in a blog post at the beginning of each month that the calender is for, since the calendars are dated for 2015.
The first printable that I am offering is my 4x6 January Calender. You can get it here!
Today I am bringing you guys the first free printable that I have made! Now I will offer more than one free printable a month, no worries. However, I will only be offering the 4x6 calendars in a blog post at the beginning of each month that the calender is for, since the calendars are dated for 2015.
The first printable that I am offering is my 4x6 January Calender. You can get it here!
I originally made this calender in a 4x6 form, you CAN change the size however when you print it if your printer gives you the option. I am currently using this in a 4x6 form in my fitness journal and in a 3.5x5 form in my monthly planner/life binder set up. The calender is white, not grey as the picture above is showing. It does have some grey around the curved corners however so that you can see to cut the curves out if you are like me and don't have the fancy corner curve cutting devices that are currently sold.
How to use a mini Calender in a planner
If you are lost for ways that you can use a mini calender in a planner then boy do I have some ideas for you. Trust me there are many ways that you can add a calender into a planner. If you have a filofax or anything of that sort it is probably a little more practical but I even use them in my monthly view of my Sugar Paper LA planner.
1. 30-Day Challanges-
Other than February (cause there are only 28 days) you can use these mini calenders to track 30 day challenges, such as the 30-day squat challenge.
2. Habit forming
Another way that you can use these mini calenders is to form a habit. There is a saying that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so you could put stickers or some other form of tracking on it to track your 21 days until your habit is formed.
3. Tracking New Year's Resolutions
Now this one can be taken a few different ways. If you are tracking a number of days you want to be doing something in a certain month this is really easy to use if you still want to have all the room on your planner. Or you could use it to track a new years resolution like stop biting nails, or eat healthier, or any of those sorts of things. Now I know this is close to habit forming, but I figured I would throw in a new years related thing since it is the 2nd day of the year.
4. Bill Tracker
You could also use the mini calendars for bill tracking. Again this is more practical maybe for people with a filofax since they could throw it right in their finance section and move on. But as always anyone with a spiral planner could make it work too. Plus it would keep you from taking up space in your monthly boxes, which is important when you have a lot going on in your monthly view. Like moms and students.
I hope you guys enjoy this first printable of the year. Let me know in the comments what other printables you would like to see, what you guys think of this mini calender, and leave ideas for how to use this mini calender.
Free Planner Printables
Hey everyone,
Today I want to talk to you all about something that I am going to start doing here on the blog. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to design and sell planner printables, because it is something I like to do and I know that I personally can not always find the pages I am looking for currently in a planner, and sometimes I can not even find a form a like in printables that are already made. I know I can not be the only person with a brain that processes things like I do.
What I need from you guys to do this is support. I also need ideas for printables that you guys would like and that you would benefit from using. I know that some planner printables can be expensive so even if there is something you have already found that is paid and you would like my take on it for free that is okay.
Please leave in the comments what kind of printables you all would like to see on the blog. I will do my best to get everything you guys want, and more.
Today I want to talk to you all about something that I am going to start doing here on the blog. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to design and sell planner printables, because it is something I like to do and I know that I personally can not always find the pages I am looking for currently in a planner, and sometimes I can not even find a form a like in printables that are already made. I know I can not be the only person with a brain that processes things like I do.
What I need from you guys to do this is support. I also need ideas for printables that you guys would like and that you would benefit from using. I know that some planner printables can be expensive so even if there is something you have already found that is paid and you would like my take on it for free that is okay.
Please leave in the comments what kind of printables you all would like to see on the blog. I will do my best to get everything you guys want, and more.
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