Monday, June 23, 2014

CollegeTime: Getting your Textbooks

Today is the day that I talk about the one thing that no one really wants to talk about, buying text books. There are actually a lot of options to make getting the textbooks cheaper, however after spending time today looking at all those other options I am going to give you my truthful and honest opinion.


I know I am probably one of the only people that will tell you that, but seriously do it. It is a lot less of a headache, and not only that but there are many options that you can use to get your books. There are 4 basic options that you can choose from when you get books from your school's book store, or at least at my college there are. The options are rent used, rent new, buy used, buy new. Now I know that is a lot to take in, and you may be wondering what the heck each of them means. I know that I was clueless when the brought all of this stuff up at orientation, but I pretty much get the basics now.

Rent used: This is generally the cheapest way to get your books. You are renting it for a cheap price, it has already been used which makes it cheaper, and then you return it to the bookstore with no worries on keeping it. The problem I find with this is that there will probably be a LOT of writing, highlighting, page flagging, and what not other things to mark information. A lot of that information may not be useful to you and it can become a cluttered mess, however if you are looking for cheap this would work out well as it is the cheapest option.

Rent new: This is the next price up from renting used. You are renting the book for a cheap price and you get to write in it, highlight it, page flag it, and whatever else you want to do. Without having to worry about what other people put in it and what you were going to have to use to be able to distinguish between what you wanted to know and what the 10 people before you wanted to know. If you are looking for cheap new books I like this way. I actually did this with most of my books.

Buy used: This one is the nest price up from renting new. For obvious reasons this costs more because you are planning on buying the book to keep so they are going to charge you more. Again with this type of buying you have to remember that people have written and highlighted in it before you so it may get a tad bit confusing for you. If you are wanting to buy the book this is probably the best way to go about it.

Buy new: This is by far the most expensive way to get books. You are buying them, brand new. That means no one has used them. I would love to have the opportunity to do this with every book, however they are quite expensive this way. If you have the money to do it I say go for it especially if you are OCD or have issues working around what other people do in your book.

There are other ways that you can get books, like amazon and ebay, but the problem with those ways is that you are generally buying them, they may seem cheaper, but after shipping and waiting it is just easier to get them from your bookstore. Trust me, you dont want to be going off to college without your books because they got put on backorder because so many other people needed them. You might not need them the first day, but you more than likely will need them at some point.

I hope this helps. If you have any opinions of your own feel free to leave them in the comments.


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