Monday, February 16, 2015

Take time to do the things you love

   Do you ever just sit down and think about how busy you have actually been and then realize you have neglected things that you love to do? Well that is how today has been for me. I have been neglecting blogging recently, not because I want to but because I just get some much going on at once here at school that I forget to take a moment to do what I want to do.

   You guys probably have not noticed the lack of me doing things with my blog because my posts have been pre-scheduled up until this point and though I still have my free printables scheduled to go up I don't have anymore Monday blogs scheduled because I haven't just taken the time to sit down and do them. So that is what I am doing today, starting with this post. For the rest of this post I want to talk to you guys about why you should take time to do what you love, even if it means putting some other things off until later.

   I will be the first to tell you that giving up doing what you love for more time to do the things that you need to do sounds like a good idea when you first start to do it, but after awhile it is going to start getting boring. Yeah we all have things we have to do, like homework or cleaning a house, but you can not tell me that you haven't ever just felt down and depressed because that is all you are ever doing. Taking time to do the things you love is essential for being happy. You have to have a happy medium between work and play, but all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Has anyone else ever heard that? I don't remember where I heard that but for some reason it just came to mind while I was writing this. 

   So how do you make time for doing the things you love when we live in a busy world of way to much else to do ? I have a few ideas on that for you, though I am not an expert on time management even if I like to pretend I am sometimes.
  1.  Make to-do lists.
    • If you are a college student or even a high school student that gets a syllabus at the beginning of the semester that has all of the do dates for your homework and projects use it to your advantage. At the begging of the week make a list of all the tasks you need to do and what days they have to be done by. Then make yourself a weekly to-do list and schedule out the things you have to get done on a specific day of the week. You don't have to follow this completely to a tee but it will help you make sure you aren't rushing to get everything done all at one, and subsequently give you more time to do the things you like to do.
    • If you are a parent or an adult with a job you can pretty much use the same system above, but since I am not a working adult and I am just in college I am not sure exactly if that system will work. You might have to modify it a bit to meet how you are given your schedules since you may not get deadlines for projects at work way ahead of time. I know my mom doesn't.
  2. Don't over schedule yourself
    • This kind of goes hand in hand with making to-do lists. If you know that you have 3 things going on one day and you can only handle doing that many things don't try to schedule in anymore. If you can't stay focused for more than 2 hours don't try to get a while project done in one day that's going to take you 6 hours. That is more of a time management and correctly learning to manage projects but if you are trying to make time for things for yourself then it goes along with what we are talking about.
  3. Put the rest of the project/to-do off until tomorrow
    • If all else fails and you sit down to do homework or clean or do a project and you realize that you have no desire to do it then get up and go read a book or watch a tv show or write your blog posts. If you are giving yourself enough time to do the project then a day or two without the want to do it isn't going to kill you
   Throughout all of this I just want you guys to realize that even though we have other priorities that may seem more important than me time they are not always. The world will not stop spinning if you take some time to do the things you want to do. The sun is still going to come up in the morning and you are still going to have another day to do what you needed to get done. 

   Just give yourself a little bit of a break. Going at things head one for long periods of time works in the beginning but eventually you will get burned out, and you will wish that you had taken the brakes you needed to do things for yourself. 

Until next time,

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