Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Current goals

Hey everyone,

So today I figured I would do something a little bit different on this first day of July. I know that school is getting close and I am kind of starting to freak out, so I want to talk a little bit about goals. How to set them, how to follow through with them, and how to not give up with them. Trust me I am not the best with sticking to goals and projects sometimes. I do get busy and I understand the hecticness that comes with trying to do a bunch of things, but goal setting does actually help a little bit.

I have never been much of a person for to do lists. The idea of having to sit down and write down everything I need to or want to do for the day is just overwhelming, considering that I have work, studying for my stateboard, getting ready to leave for school, my boyfriend, his friends, and my blog/youtube channel. With that many things I dont even want to think about to do lists. I would rather think about goals that I want to get done within a week, month, or year. Doing things daily can be a hassle, especially if you have a planner that you already write your daily plans in. Why make yourself even more crazy repeating those things on another piece of paper?

What are goals?
This may seem like a really dumb question, but I can promise you there are people that dont know what it is. A goal is something that you are trying to achieve in your life. It can be related to anything, it is just something that you want to get done at some point in the next week, month, or year.

What are the types of goals?
Short term- These are goals that can be completed in a few days or even a week. These are common in people that make to do lists. Basically that entire list is an overwhelming list of short term goals that are not broken down into smaller parts to make it easier to finish.

Long term-These are goals that will take longer than a week or two to finish. This would be something like, losing weight, getting a better gpa in college than you did in high school, ect. Basically anything that takes an extended period of time to finish. Also these can be looked at as things you would not put on a to do list unless you are a crazy person.

How to set goals:
1.Come up with something that you want to do. Keep in mind that it can be as bland as possible and doesnt have to have a lot of explanation. That will come later.
2.Write them down. Whether it is in your phone or on paper they need to be written down, you dont want to forget what you goals are.
3.Come up with a plan of action. You need to come up with steps on how you are going to complete the goals. You want to write them down so that if you ever lose track of how to keep going with your goal that you will at least have an idea. This is where you want to be descriptive. You want to keep yourself headed in the write direction, and blandness is not going to help with that.
4.Celebrate. Come up with your own way to celebrate accomplishing your goals.

My goals:
So to give you guys and idea of how I set up my goals I decided that I would write them all down for you guys.

  • Eat healthier.
    • Drink water not pop
    • Try not to eat fast food more than twice a week
    • Dont eat so much icecream at work
  • Stop biting nails
    • Keep nails painted. 
    • Remember how long it takes to fix the paint if you bite your nails and mess it up
    • Just stop doing it. Its gross
  • Pass stateboard
    • Study!
    • Dont get too nervous, you know this stuff.
    • Just relax
  • Write a blog post at least twice a week
    • Keep a list of ideas for post with you.
    • Make time to write the blog post, even if its only an outline on your phone while waiting for dinner.
    • Dont give up if the post you are writing sucks. You can make it better later, just get something down. 

There you guys have it, my current goals and also how to set them. My last piece of advice is to not set too many goals at one time. Dont overwhelm yourself. You will eventually get to everything you want, but if you put too much on your plate you will be more likely to give up. I hope you guys all enjoyed the post. If you want to post your own goals feel free to do so in the comments. If you have any requests for blog posts you can leave them in the comments as well.


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