Friday, March 13, 2015

Unexpected Computer Troubles

     So I know we all have those days or even weeks where we plan to do something and everything that could possibly go wrong to keep you from doing that goes wrong. Well it has been one of those months for me. I will get all into that here in a second but before I do I just want to say sorry for missing Monday's post and Tuesday's video if you watch my YouTube channel makeupprincess813. I have been having computer issues so I just wanted to give a quick sorry and say that I am working on being able to get videos up soon.

     Anyway, so as I said I have just had one of those months where nothing I have planned as worked out. Some of that stuff not working out has been for the best so I can not complain about all of it. So first off if you don't know my normal laptop is an Hp Split computer. It is one of the ones that costed like $900 and spits off from the keyboard into a tablet if you want to use it like that. Okay well right before I did my finals last semester the keyboard of that computer went out so I obviously had to send that in to get fixed, in the process of getting it fixed I had to buy a brand new laptop because all of my finals were online so I couldn't just not have a computer, plus I was working on an 8 page paper for my English class. Well I got the computer back and it was fixed and working pretty fine and then one day the track pad stopped working. Now I decided to just give it a chance because when I disconnected the tablet part from the keyboard and then put it back on the track pad would start working just fine. Well after about 2 months of dealing with that I took it back to Geek Squad and told them what was happening. This was the end of February and I was told that there was nothing wrong with it because I could not make the track pad do it and because it was digital it would either always work or never work. So I took that answer and went on my merry way. Two weeks later it got even worse and I finally said screw it and called Geek Squad and told them what was going on. They set me up with another appointment at Best Buy so that my computer could be looked at. So on March 6th I took my computer in and they said the same thing. This time though the mute button was always on no matter what I did so they were going to send the computer in to get that fixed, but they were going to make me pay for the new part if the track pad really was broke. Now I just have to say I did get a little frustrated and told them I would not be paying for it because I pay too much for Geek Squad and it needed to be fixed because it was an equipment issue, not a user error issue. So anyway I ended up talking to the general manager of Best Buy and I got it all figured out and they sent my computer out that day. So now I am back to using the brand new computer I had to buy the first time. Because of that it has been hard to write blog posts, however I did have some of them set to go up without me, and it has been extremely hard to make videos.

     The other thing that went crazy this month was that I spilled an entire bottle of white out all over my March calendar that I use to schedule out posts. Lets just say that was a mess to clean up but in reality that was not a completely terrible thing and it did not ruin my month, it just ruined the paper as well as the table I was sitting at.

     That is the update I have for you all today, again I am sorry that I have been slacking and I am getting back to it, or trying to.

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