Hey everyone, it has been a stressful last few weeks with my computer and with everything that has happened I did not have time to make the April 4x6 printable that I would have normally put up last Thursday. I also really didn't have time to write a post for today either, so I just wanted to let anyone that was looking for that printable that I sadly will not have one due to computer issues and the fact that I lost the file that I use to make the monthly 4x6 calendars. I have it saved on an external hard drive I believe, but that is not within my grasps to get at the moment. I am very sorry.
Good news is that Wednesday I will be starting a new series on this blog. So there will be posts ever Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I will still be doing Tuesday videos on my youtube, Makeupprincess813, and I may start doing Friday videos if I get a chance. Big things are coming for my YouTube as well as the blog in the coming months. I don't want to give to much of the surprise away. So if you want to know more you will need to subscribe to my YouTube as well as my blog. Talk to you all on Wednesday for my new series.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
How to deal with a roommate
It is into the second semester of college and for the most part you and your roommate probably got along decently well for the first semester. Now you are both getting on each others nerves and really seeing just how this person is. Even if the roommate used to be your best friend you may be starting to realize that some people just are not roommate material. I have a few tips for you to be able to make it through the rest of the semester without having a major blow up. (And no, I don't always follow my own advice on this one.)
The first thing is first on this whole topic, just because someone is a bad roommate for you doesn't mean they wouldn't be okay with someone else or that they aren't a good person. It just means that for you at that specific time having them as a roommate is not working.

If you are a generally clean person and your roommate just so happens not to be try not to let it get to you too much. I know that it can be rather annoying to walk into a room and see trash everywhere and be the only one that ever cleans but some battles are not worth fighting and honestly trying to change someones cleaning habits is almost impossible. Just keep your own stuff picked up and clean and if you have to spend some time outside of your room so you don't have to see the mess. Or you know you could always hang a sheet dividing your room...just kidding...kinda...no really you probably shouldn't do that.
Honestly this probably worked better when you first started school because neither you or your roommate really knew how the other person was. If you were like me and my roommate then you guys both cleaned every week and switched off who cleaned the bathroom and who cleaned the closet and dorm room. Now that fell through towards the end of last semester because I always felt like things needed to be clean so I ended up cleaning them myself just to save time because I was actually around on Fridays, which were the designated cleaning day....especially if people were coming over on the weekend. At this point however your roommate and yourself have gotten comfortable enough with each other that you have a pretty decent idea of what you guys can and can't do around the other person. One of those things tends to become that your roommate could possibly pick up on the fact that if they just don't clean then you will do it all. That is where a cleaning schedule/ certain people being responsible thing could come into play. Now the bad thing about this is that there are no guarantees. The only guaranteed way I have found that the room will get clean is if you leave it to get nasty enough they don't want to live in it and clean, not a fun way...trust me, or just clean it yourself. So you will have to use your own judgment on if this one will work for you or not.

Depending on where you go to school pets could mean a lot of different things. In most dorms pets mean fish, if you live in an apartment pets could mean anything that apartment allows. If you are having roommate problems in a dorm or apartment and you already have a fish/pet then great don't get rid of it just because your fighting, just keep and eye on it and make sure that everything looks normal and they are acting normal. Most roommates don't screw with peoples animals that they already have but its a possibility. Also be careful of leaving them at school while going home and expecting your roommate to actually take care of them. A lot of times a roommate will say they will take care of something and then they don't. If you have a betta you could always take them home with you on the weekend, but be aware that that does stress the fish out. If you don't already have animals and you are fighting with a roommate don't get one. That brings that animal into a stressful environment and that is not nice to the animal at all. Unless they are fish. Fish are generally clueless to anything going on. Still though don't get a fish if you think your roommate would try to kill it to make you upset.

There you have some tips on how to deal with a roommate that is driving you insane. Just keep in mind another quick fix would be to spend less time in your room and more time with your friends if your roommate never leaves the room. I wish you luck with your roommate and hope that you can figure out a way for you guys to finish the semester, since more than likely you won't ever have to live with them again.
P.S.- Also remember that just because you couldn't live with them doesn't mean you can't be friends with them. You just have to figure out if the friendship is worth keeping or not.
Monday, March 16, 2015
My experience using Triple-Sulfa
Today I wanted to talk to you guys about my experience using Triple-Sulfa to treat fin rot on my Betta fish Oliver. Im gonna show you guys the progression of the fin rot and then give you guys just a little insight on how I feel about Triple-Sulfa and if it helped me cure my Betta's fin rot.
This is what Oliver looked like when I first brought him home.
Now when I first got him home I did not recognize the black that was around the end of his tail. Had I noticed it right then I might have been able to treat it without the Triple-Sulfa, but the problem was that I didn't actually know about fin rot or what it looked like until a few weeks later.
After probably 3 weeks I finally realized that it was fin rot and I tried to treat it using Bettafix, then with Aquarium salt. Nothing I did seemed to be helping so I decided to go for the more powerful stuff.
To treat for fin rot there are a few things that you will need.
1. Triple-Sulfa (if it is getting bad and you cant treat with anything else)
2. Aquarium Salt (This is effective in helping fin rot if you catch it in the early stages like it was when I first got Oliver)
The brand of this Aquarium Salt is API. I just have it in a little plastic baggy because I am borrowing some from one of the kids that lives on my floor. He had a huge box so he told me not to worry about buying any.
3.A thermometer (You really need this anyway since bettas are tropical fish but if you don't have one you really need it now)
You need this because you want to keep your tank at at least 78 if you can get it there. Now I know that some people don't like these stick on thermometers and thats fine, but this was already on my 5 gallon when I transfered him to it and I didnt want to have to buy another one because I have always had decent outcomes with them.
4.Heater (Again they are tropical fish so you need this anyway)
This is just a stick on heater that is preset to 78 degrees. It was like $15-$16 and it works just fine, I can not remember the brand that is was, but I got it from Petco.
Triple-Sulfa has directions for how to use on the back of the box. They are directions for 10 gallon tanks though so if you are like me and you are trying to treat in anything smaller you are going to want to look up exactly how to measure it out for your tank. I use about a 1/4 tsp of powder from the packet and dissolve it in a a little bit of the aquarium water before putting it in the tank so that I don't have to take him out. The reason I use a 1/4 tsp is because there is right around a 1/2 tsp of powder in the packet so since I have half of a 10 gallon I can use half of the packet. It just gets a little weirder if you have a smaller tank, which is why you will want to look up exactly how to dose it for a tank your size. Also make sure you take the carbon out of your filter if it is in it because if you don't it will filter out the medicine.
Then I put just a pinch of aquarium salt in the cup of water and let it dissolve as well before I put it into the tank. I could probably put more in than I do, but because I already had a 1/2 tbsp in the tank I don't want to accidentally add way to much salt to the water.
If you are following the directions on the box you put in your dosage of medicine the first day, then you put your next dosage in on the second day. Then you will do a 25% water change (I changed about a gallon) and add another dosage of medicine on the third day. The fourth day you will ad your final dosage of medicine, this comes to the 4 doses that it tells you on the back of the box you will need to do for a full cycle of the meds. Then on the fifth day you change the water again and you put activated carbon, or a carbon filter in you tank to get the rest of the medicine filtered out. You can the repeat for another cycle of meds if needed.
This is what Oliver looked like on the morning of the second day of his treatment with the Triple-Sulfa. I feel bad for not catching it before it got to this. Also this was only after one actual dose of the medicine.
As a side note I do see the white spots on the side of Oliver and I am not convinced that is actually a disease of any kind because in some lights they are red, in some lights they are white/silver blue, and in some lights they are like a goldish color. I could be wrong and if I am I will feel bad, but I just dont think that is actually anything I need to be too worried about. As a side note does anyone else see that slightly orange tent on the end of his fins by his gills?!? That is actually clear in real life and I can see that they are getting longer, which I believe is a good sign.
This is what Oliver looked like the morning of the third day, after 2 doses of the medicine.
It truthfully looks to have gotten worse after the second dose of medication. Now I know that he was also probably a little stressed because I forgot to put water conditioner in his water the first day of the treatment. I did end up putting the conditioner in there when I got back from the pet store and realized that I had forgotten to put it in. He was fine the next morning, which I am thankful for because I wasn't actually sure that he would be.
I added this picture because its a cute one of him, and you can see what I mean about those spots being different colors depending on what light they are in. And the white spot that is on his gill is probably because of the accidental putting him in water that had no conditioner in it, because that did show up during that happening.
This is what he looked like the morning of the fourth day, after three days of treatment.
It doesn't seem to be getting any worse than it was but it isn't getting any better. I am thinking there will be another cycle of medicine after this one. Since there is only one left in this cycle.
This is what he looked like on the 5th day. After going though the full cycle of medication.
The fin rot has not gotten any worse but it also does not seem to have gotten a crazy amount better.(Sorry about the pictures. He was being a brat today when I tried to take them. )As of when I wrote this part of the post I have not decided if I am going to continue for another round of the Triple-Sulfa treatment or if I am going to try to just treat with Aquarium salt for a few days.
This is day six of Triple-Sulfa. I did decide to go ahead and continue for another round of Triple-Sulfa, so this is day one of the second round.
He decided not to be as much of a brat today when I started to take pictures. As you can see it looks as there is some regrowth of the tail, but there is still black around the end which is why I decided to go ahead and repeat the treatment since I am sure that is tail rot and not coloring. I can see that it is doing some help, even if it is taking a little longer than I thought it would do to some of the other people who have written about it.
Day Seven of the Triple-Sulfa Treatment.
He is being a butt and wont let me get really good pictures some days. His tail is getting better and showing signs of regrowth. The only issue I have is that the black is still on the tail, which in everything I have read indicates fin rot is still there.
Day eight of the treatment.
I put Oliver in the plastic cup since this was the morning after the eighth day and I had to completely change the water. So he was acclimating and I realized that it would be a good time to try to get pictures since he couldn't swim all over the tank. In short as you guys can see his tail is showing signs of regrowth. Day eight was the last day of the treatment cycle and there is still the black on his tail. It is concerning to me in a way, however it has not gotten bigger or smaller since starting the treatment, which is leading me to believe Oliver may have a bit of a black coloring on his tail fin naturally.
I do believe that the Triple-Sulfa worked. I am worried now that the black on his tail did not go away that I gave him too much medicine but he does not seem to be having an adverse affect on him. He swims around like always and had fun chasing the ghost tank I just put in with him two days ago around the tank. If you are having a bad care of fin rot I would suggest Triple-Sulfa, but only if it is a bad case. If you catch it in the beginning try something else. You don't want the bacteria to build up an immunity to Triple-Sulfa. As always said in anything else you will ever read frequent water changes to make your water quality better will help cure fin rot. It is actually a very effective way. I have learned that I may have got him with fin rot but I caused it more by not knowing how often to change the water in a one gallon tank with no filter and no heater. Please get to know more about bettas before you buy one. I did not and I paid for it in the beginning as have most owners of the fish. Also as an update to his condition it has been four days since completing Oliver's treatment and his fins seem to only be getting better. The black is still around his tail though so unless it gets any bigger I am going to just assume it is a natural coloring. He seems happy and healthy though.
Thank you all for reading this rambling of my experience with Triple-Sulfa for fin rot. I am not an expert on the subject but if you have any questions you can feel free to ask and I will try to give you the best answer I know, or direct you to somewhere that has the answer.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Unexpected Computer Troubles
So I know we all have those days or even weeks where we plan to do something and everything that could possibly go wrong to keep you from doing that goes wrong. Well it has been one of those months for me. I will get all into that here in a second but before I do I just want to say sorry for missing Monday's post and Tuesday's video if you watch my YouTube channel makeupprincess813. I have been having computer issues so I just wanted to give a quick sorry and say that I am working on being able to get videos up soon.
Anyway, so as I said I have just had one of those months where nothing I have planned as worked out. Some of that stuff not working out has been for the best so I can not complain about all of it. So first off if you don't know my normal laptop is an Hp Split computer. It is one of the ones that costed like $900 and spits off from the keyboard into a tablet if you want to use it like that. Okay well right before I did my finals last semester the keyboard of that computer went out so I obviously had to send that in to get fixed, in the process of getting it fixed I had to buy a brand new laptop because all of my finals were online so I couldn't just not have a computer, plus I was working on an 8 page paper for my English class. Well I got the computer back and it was fixed and working pretty fine and then one day the track pad stopped working. Now I decided to just give it a chance because when I disconnected the tablet part from the keyboard and then put it back on the track pad would start working just fine. Well after about 2 months of dealing with that I took it back to Geek Squad and told them what was happening. This was the end of February and I was told that there was nothing wrong with it because I could not make the track pad do it and because it was digital it would either always work or never work. So I took that answer and went on my merry way. Two weeks later it got even worse and I finally said screw it and called Geek Squad and told them what was going on. They set me up with another appointment at Best Buy so that my computer could be looked at. So on March 6th I took my computer in and they said the same thing. This time though the mute button was always on no matter what I did so they were going to send the computer in to get that fixed, but they were going to make me pay for the new part if the track pad really was broke. Now I just have to say I did get a little frustrated and told them I would not be paying for it because I pay too much for Geek Squad and it needed to be fixed because it was an equipment issue, not a user error issue. So anyway I ended up talking to the general manager of Best Buy and I got it all figured out and they sent my computer out that day. So now I am back to using the brand new computer I had to buy the first time. Because of that it has been hard to write blog posts, however I did have some of them set to go up without me, and it has been extremely hard to make videos.
The other thing that went crazy this month was that I spilled an entire bottle of white out all over my March calendar that I use to schedule out posts. Lets just say that was a mess to clean up but in reality that was not a completely terrible thing and it did not ruin my month, it just ruined the paper as well as the table I was sitting at.
That is the update I have for you all today, again I am sorry that I have been slacking and I am getting back to it, or trying to.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Free Printable Thursday: Wish List
Today I bring to you a wish list printable. Basically all it is a blank sheet of paper with a cute little wishing well on it with some really pretty lettering that says wish list. Again I didn't create this in a picture creater as I do most of my other printables so I don't have a picture of it to show you guys. However you can view and download it here.
I know that it is another one of those ones you could all probably make yourself, but for those of you that are a little lazy like me sometimes I think it will be a hit.
See you next week,
I know that it is another one of those ones you could all probably make yourself, but for those of you that are a little lazy like me sometimes I think it will be a hit.
See you next week,
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Free Printable: Cleaning list
You can get the cleaning list here.
Now I don't have a picture of the cleaning list because it is only in a pdf form. I never made it in an image editor like I did some of the other printables because I didn't want it to be too small of a space where you couldn't write. I know this post is short, but you guys know that I don't like to make very long posts with these printables unless I have to because I want you guys to use them in your own way, not in ways that I say you should.
As always this was made to be a full size sheet of paper, but you can resize it to be any size you need it to be.
See you all on Monday,
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