Thursday, May 22, 2014

Finals, camping, and end of school

(taken from google images)

For the lucky few of you out there that are already out of school, or already done with finals, congrats to you. For the rest of us this week and next week mark finals week. That terrible time where you are expected to show that you remember everything you learned through the beginning of the semester. Now if you are like me you only had to take one final aaaand it's already done. Econ you have now been checked off my list of caring. This week also marked the week of me getting to watch little freshman at my school freak out about studying for finals. Now at most schools I am sure that finals actually have an effect on your grade, however here our finals are only 10% of our semester grade, so unless you are on a border line of a grade you pretty much can doodle on your final and be fine. As shown by my econ final, in which I just got a 65% on and still passed the class with a 79%. Which will go up because of extra credit. Yay!

So anyway moving on from final exams, which is actually a somewhat terrible subject to talk about because it freaks out a lot of people. This weekend is also memorial day here in the United States. For most of us that means......CAMPING! I actually despise camping, but there is something about the thought of dragging my boyfriend along for the torture that actually make it seem a little more enjoyable. I still havent packed yet, so I have to do that today, as well as go and by a new swim suit. Gotta look good for all them fishies in the lake. Okay okay I will stop I know I am an idiot, but seriously I do have to go and buy a new one. I still honestly dont have a desire to go camping though, just to get away for the weekend. Getting away from everyone the weekend before graduation seems like it could be good for keeping my sanity and not screaming at someone. 

And finally that leads me to my last topic, the end of the school year. I know that for everyone the end of the school year is exciting, but it is also sad for some of us. Those of us seniors that are expected to leave all of our friends and go start over new do get pretty emotional. I know I did yesterday when I was talking to an old friend of mine in english right before we presented out portfolios. It is really cliche to say but the end of high school is just the beginning of the rest of our lives. For the lucky duckies that get to stay for anywhere between 1 and 3 years good luck. You will now continue to be tortured by bullies, have bad school lunches, and have to sit in class all-day. Have fun being required to go to all of your classes every day! Also bringing up the end of the year is that I got two new pairs of hair cutting shears. The shear guy came to my cosmetology school yesterday so I took the advantage to buy myself some new shears so that I would actually have a few decent pairs to cut hair with in college. 

The first pair I got where a pair of silver ones that look like a dragon. They were actually not the ones I was originally planning on getting, but when I learned that it would be $130 for one pair of shears and $160 for two pairs I figured it was a better idea to just get two of them. I used them last night to cut my moms hair and they actually cut pretty well. Which I knew they would because I bought a pair from the same company last year. (yes. not only do I have a shopping addiction I have an addiction to buying pretty shears whenever the people come to our school.) The second pair that I got were a pair of cute three-holed shears that are pink with zebra print. I have not gotten a chance to test these out yet, but I am hoping I can talk my boyfriend into letting me cut his hair with them just so I can try them. I also wish that I had a picture of them that showed them off really well but I do not. The company also does not have the pictures of the shears I bought, from this year or last year, online. 

Well I hope you all enjoyed this post. If you have any comments leave them below. And above all good luck on your finals, and have a good last few weeks of school. I will post again soon. 


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