Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Society is Ugly

This is another one of those quotes that I am learning to be true. So much today people think that you are only pretty if you are skinny. That is completely not true. I know many girls who are bigger that are probably prettier than any skinny girl I will ever meet. It is all about your views on life. Yes being overly huge is disgusting, but being a size 18 or 20 isnt all that bad.

I have said in another blog post how much I weighed, but I never said what size I was. I am a size 16, so I am not overly huge. But people will tell me I am fat and ugly. There is a point where that starts to hurt a person. I no longer look at myself the same. I know I am pretty, but from everything that has ever been said about me I look at pictures and think that I am the ugliest person in the room. People really do not realize the effect their words have on someone.

It is a constant battle for those of us that are called names to try to stay positive. When we finally have someone that is being honest and telling us we are pretty and it is hard to trust and accept that. I know plenty of girls that say they are ugly just to use it to get complements. That is completely wrong in my opinion, but hey no one cares what I have to say about it. I have started when someone says it to me looking at them and being like “yeah you are right your butt is getting kind of big.” It may be really mean, but they disserve it if they are going to try to say they are fat when they are a size 2 and they are standing around me. I don’t do well with people who fish for complements.

Rant over. I will see you all next time.


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