Sunday, August 17, 2014

OOTD- Sunday August 17 (roommate move in)

Hey there lovelies, today I am doing something new and doing an outfit of the day post for you guys. This is mostly because I just filmed a video and because my roommate is moving in today so as of right now I dont have much to be able to write about because it has been pretty boring for me the last few days.

This first picture is just kind of an over view of everything I have on today, even though its not exactly a full picture it works.

The jeans in this picture are a pair of the relaxed boot from Torrid. These are my new favorite jeans and I honestly love them.

This one again shows everything but it shoes more of my shirt which is just black and from Debs.

This scarf that I have on today actually came from a friend of mine.

And the earrings are owls that I bought from a little mom and pop store about 2 hours away from my house.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post. I will get to making more than just fashion posts soon. I promise.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

College Move In

(taken from google images)

The day finally came and went. The day I moved into college. For the most part it was a stress-free day. Other than the drive to school following my mother who wouldnt stay one speed for me to be able to use cruise control. 

After finally making it to the school we sat in a line for about 15 minutes before we ever made it to the parking lot to unload my car. I dont know much about how the unloading process went because I had to go get my room key and sign a bunch of stuff. After finally getting back to my stuff my mom went and parked my car and a group of girls came in and helped me start getting my stuff. Since we have one elevator for even floors and one elevator for odd floors the line was really long and I stupidly thought walking up to the 5th floor by stairs wouldnt be that bad. To be completely honest that was a lie. It was terrible and I had to do it three times total yesterday, but only once while actually moving my stuff in. Finally we got all my stuff in the room and then we had to start moving the room around to give us some more room. The way they had the room set up made it about impossible to walk through it without jumping on the beds to get across.

After we got my bed made and my closet and bathroom put together we took off to pick up my books, which didnt take too long because we got there before the big group of people. 

Then my mom took off and left me to finish. It was nice to be by myself and just kind of do things the way I wanted to do. My roommate moves in tomorrow so its been pretty boring. I got out and walked around campus a few times today, but its overcast and honestly not very nice out. 

So back to my watching of E News. 


Friday, August 8, 2014

Absences and craziness

Hey everyone,
So I know I have been gone for awhile and honestly the reason why is just because things have been crazy with work and in my life. However I have finally started to get things back to normal so I am hoping to get back to writing two blog posts a week. Also as an update let the countdown begin. College move in day is in 7 days
